受動態の問題でよく前置詞が二回連続するように見える文章のひっ かけが出ます。例えばThe meeting was put off until next week. でoffとuntilの連続、 The problem was dealt with by my team.のwithとbyの連続のよう な文章を使ったひっかけに頻出する熟語を集めました。みんなの共有タイピング
全体公開/暖/その他/熟語数:13 最終更新日:2025/01/15 タイピングを開始する
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【 熟語リスト 】
No. | 熟語 | 音声 | 和訳 | 補足 |
1 | The cat was tragically run over by a speeding car. | (車が)Aを引く | ||
2 | The old tree in the park was cut down by the workers. | Aを切り倒す | ||
3 | His jokes were laughed at by the audience. | Aを笑う | ||
4 | I was spoken to by a stranger at the station. | Aに話しかける | ||
5 | The customer's complaint was dealt with by the manager. | Aを処理する | ||
6 | The elderly woman was called on by her neighbors every day. | Aを訪ねる | ||
7 | The broken vase was thrown away by my mother. | Aを捨てる | ||
8 | The old regulations were done away with by the new government. | Aを廃止する | ||
9 | He was looked down on by his colleagues because of his background. | Aを軽蔑する | scorn,despice=軽蔑する。insult=侮辱する | |
10 | The teacher was looked up to by all her students. | Aを尊敬する | ||
11 | The opportunity was take advantage of by the young entrepreneur. | Aを利用する | ||
12 | The injured bird was take care of by the kind veterinarian. | Aを世話する | ||
13 | My grandmother was looked after by her dedicated nurse. | Aを世話する |