


全体公開/NaNaMin/専門分野/単語数:50 最終更新日:2017/11/15
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  • 音声あり 2回読み上げ

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【 単語リスト 】

No. 単語 音声 和訳 補足
1 three hundred and twenty-four thousand 324,000
2 twelve million 12,000,000 1 million = 100万
3 three hundred eighty-nine million 389,000,000 100 million =1億
4 thirty-eight billion 38,000,000,000 billion 10億
5 five hundred twenty-three trillion 523,000,000,000,000 trillion 兆
6 three point five seven 3.57
7 zero point five seven four 0.574
8 one-fifth 1/5 [別の読み方] a fifth
9 three-sevenths 3/7 分子が2以上の場合、分母の数に-sをつけて複数形にする
10 one-half 1/2 [別の読み方] a half
11 one-fourth 1/4 [別の読み方] a fourth, one-quarter, a puarter
12 seven and three-sevenths 7 3/7(7と7分の3)
13 three hundred fifteen over seven hundred fifty-four 315/754 桁数が多いときは、overでつなぐ
14 numerator 分子
15 denominator 分母
16 cardinal number 基数
17 ordinal number 序数
18 mixed fraction 帯分数
19 addition 足し算
20 Three plus five equals eight. 3+5=8(equal使用)
21 Three plus five makes eight. 3+5=8(make使用)
22 Three plus five is eight. 3+5=8(is使用)
23 subtraction 引き算
24 Five minus three equals two. 5-3=2
25 Five take away three is two. 5-3=2
26 Three from five is two. 5-3=2
27 Four minus six equals negative two. 4-6=-2
28 multiplication 掛け算
29 Six multiplied by seven equals forty-two. 6×7=42
30 Six times seven equals forty-two. 6×7=42
31 Six sevens are forty-two. 6×7=42
32 division 割り算
33 Fifteen divided by three is five. 15÷3=5
34 Ten divided by three is three with a remainder of one. 10÷3=3あまり1
35 power 累乗
36 root
37 x to the nth power x^N
38 x to the minus nth power x^-N
39 five squared 5^2 2乗の場合は、squaredでも可能
40 five cubed 5^3 3乗の場合は、cubedでも可能
41 A squared plus b cubed equals c to the fourth power. a^2+b^3^=c^4
42 the nth root of x n√x
43 the square root of seven √7
44 square root 平方根
45 radical root 累乗根
46 cube root 立方根
47 the cube root of twenty-five 3√25
48 integer 整数
49 decimal 少数
50 decimal point 小数点