


全体公開/ひとし/高校英語/例文数:24 最終更新日:2022/01/26
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【 例文リスト 】

No. 例文 音声 和訳 補足
1 If I had enough spare time, I would travel abroad. もし十分な時間があれば、海外旅行をするのだが
2 If he were here now, he could answer your question. もし彼が今ここにいたら、あなたの質問に答えられるだろうに
3 If I had a magic carpet, I would fly in the sky. もし魔法の絨毯を持っていたら、私は空を飛ぶだろうに
4 If the weather was nice, we could swim in the sea. もし天気が良ければ、海で泳ぐのを楽しめるのに
5 If I had time, I would visit the art museum. もし時間があったら、その美術館を訪れるのだが
6 If I had another ten million yen, we could buy that house. もしもう1000万円あれば、あの家が買えるのだが
7 If she were not busy, she would help you. もし彼女が忙しくなかったら、あなたのお手伝いをするのだが
8 What kind of picture would he paint ifs he were a painter? もし彼が画家だったら、どんな絵を描くだろうか?
9 If I were you, I would start at once. もし私があなたなら、すぐに出発するだろうに
10 If I were you, I'd work out every day. もし私があなたなら、毎日トレーニングするだろうに
11 If I had a little more time, I could solve this problem. もしもう少し時間があれば、この問題が解けるのだが
12 If the camera were a little cheaper, I might buy it. もしそのカメラがもう少し安ければ、私は買うかもしれないのだが
13 He would tell us if he knew about the matter. もし彼がそのことを知っていれば、私たちに話してくれるだろうに。
14 If he knew Nancy's address, I could ask him. もし彼がナンシーの住所を知っているなら、彼に聞くことができるのに
15 If he came unexpectedly, what would you do? もし思いがけず彼が来たら、あなたはどうしますか?
16 If I could find a house, I would like to live there. もし家が見つかれば、私たちはそこに住みたいのだが
17 If I lived in Kobe, I could often visit my grandparents. もし私が神戸に住んでいたら、もっと祖父母のところを訪ねられるのに
18 If I had enough money, I would buy that car. もし十分なお金があれば、あの自動車が買えるのに
19 You could enjoy skiing if you lived here. もしあなたがここに住んでいたら、スキーが楽しめるのに
20 If I were you, I might not read that comic book. もし私があなたなら、あのマンガは読まないかもしれない
21 If I were not sleepy, I would read that book. もし眠くなければ、あの本を読むのだが
22 Without the index, this book would be difficult to use. 索引がなければ、この本は使いにくいだろうに
23 I would not say such a thing if I were you. 私だったら、そんなことは言わないだろうに。
24 But for errors in spelling, her writing would be perfect. つづりの間違いがなければ、彼女の作文は完璧なのに